website stat Chemistry 221: Master Class: Reprise of the Pocket NMR

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Master Class: Reprise of the Pocket NMR

Why does MRI require high magnetic fields? Why is it such a low energy technique compared to X-ray?

Mathematica notebook to explore the question.


Blogger Kiska said...

Thank you so much for your lectures. I am a student at a university in VA, and I was having a lot of trouble with p-chem until I found your blog. I just wanted to let you know that you have helped me to understand the most difficult concept in chemistry: quantum mechanics.

11:10 PM  
Blogger Sebio said...

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7:41 PM  
Blogger Lip Blue said...

There are a few breakthroughs reported recently on the application of magnetic resonace imaging. For example, the following link points to a news item about a recenty PNAS paper on MRI of a virus in 3-D and it claimed that the resolution was improved by 100 million times to nanoscale.

There is another paper discussing the breakthrough in the MRI theorical perspect. But i could not remember where I read it.

3:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Great questions. Kids working on their science fair projects can use questions like these posed by educators to develop topics and hypotheses for their science fair projects.

12:14 PM  

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